2014.07.17 Boss 101, Hats and Tom Fulp TOGETHER!

Forgot about us?!?!?! We didn’t forget about you!

This week we are showing you some of the new dope lids you will get in the Boss 101 Sequel. These will bring you SPECIAL POWERS, some bring money, other health, some bring the BOOM! There are all NEW ANIMATIONS and returns from oldies you loved. Check out the Fulp Hat too! LIKE THAT ONE TOM!?!?!?*

*note any resemblance to any persons living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional. If someone named Tom Fulp isn’t happy with his face then the Tom Fulp hat will be renamed “Crom Mulch”. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Check it!

The Armored Helmet – for when you want some extra Boss bullet stopping power.


The Ninja – a little boost to dodge the enemy barrage!


The Fulpster – help grab a little extra cash from those Bosses and looks stylish doing it!


Wanna play it now don’t yah?!!?! YOU SHOULD! Thank you for dropping by and talk with you soon!



2014.06.30 Boss 101 Sequel news HERE!

OK everyone. Some really awesome stuff going on right now. We’re plowing through the main art chores and all but two of the boss templates are done art-wise as are all the player guns and minions. We’re moving onto level art. A really great thing is seeing bosses come together and making the RANDOM ones. I always get a laugh…

I won’t even bother to blab about it more – CHECK OUT THESE SNAPS! Here are some of the NEW mix and match possibilities. (these are all randomly rolled from the game):







Sample of an animated Cat Boss


You still with me??!?!?! Well check this out!! Max and STEVE laying into a new robo-croc-skeeto!!!




Talk with you soon! Best,


2014.06.14 Update and Screenshot Goodness

Hey all – quick update! I was playing the game and had to share a screen that made me laugh. The new bosses are going in and the mix and match is cracking me up especially when you end up with some totally random combo and use one of the new weapons. FOR INSTANCE….

Below is a screen cap showing Max and STEVE squaring off against one of the new bosses – a Robot Shark with Praying Mantis Legs and twin plasma cannons. Oh – did I mention Max is using one of the new weapons? A bow and arrow!!!! HAHAHAHA Why a bow and arrow – WHY NOT?!!?!?

We have been hammering away on the new bosses and will be dropping another preview soon. On our end we’re over half done with the creation of the new bosses and are charging towards completion. From there it’s all about tuning and tweaking gameplay. Talk with you soon and till then – hope you are doing well and wishing the best for you!




2014.04.24 Meet the Minions

Bring on the new guys! In the continuing series to show you how awesome the next Boss 101 game will be we present – The New Minions! Remember those clowns in Boss 101’s web version? Well, they got all dressed up for the PC/Console port and are looking to kick serious tail this time around. Don’t expect chumpy pushovers. Check below for a comparison from the OG crew and the new hotness! DO IT!

Meet the minions - part 1