2018.04.28 Zazmo Arcade Weekly Update 4/28

Hello and welcome to the weekend update for Zazmo Arcade.

First and foremost – WE MADE FINAL CERTIFICATION FOR BOSS 101 on the Xbox One! OK, that is not Zazmo related but it is related to the team and our game. It does mean we are back on Zazmo full time so look for us to be wrapping up Zazmo and getting it out of Early Access.

As we spoke about in a recent update we are now focused on Zazmo, final tune and bring you the final game. We really are looking forward to wrapping this up and we have Boss 102 as well as Zazmo Games Pack 2 on the horizon.

First though, we’re bringing you our very best in the Zazmo Arcade Pack and we hope you get a moment to check it out. Below are two of our game dev logs. There’s gameplay and dev talk happening and hopefully you can join us one of these nights!

Game Dev Talk Night Tuesday
Games, action, arcades and Infinity War

Game Dev Talk Night Thursday
More arcade action with Spidey and dev talk about classic arcade games from the 90’s

All right – that’s all for this week and talk with you soon!

Remember to always live your dreams!


Zazmo Arcade Pack Info Roundup
Twitch Channel – Monday Thursday Dev Streams at 6pm CST Donley Time Twitch
Steam Early Access Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/770320/Zazmo_Arcade_Pack
We appreciate your continued support!